Position papers

Towards carbon neutrality: A European Partnership for Clean Steel

Breakthrough innovation investment needs breakthrough policy.

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The most significant challenge of our time is climate change. The European steel industry is fully committed to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, to helping meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the EU’s target of reducing domestic CO2 emissions by 80% to 95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The required breakthrough innovation investments can only be made if the EU’s LongTerm Climate Change Policy Strategy sets out the ambition to apply:

  1. The right Research & Innovation framework to develop key low-C02 technologies;
  2. The use of low-carbon energy at globally competitive prices for energy intensive industries, given that a huge amount of additional carbon-lean energy - and the associated infrastructure - will be needed for the transition of the industry;
  3. Effective policy measures that keep European low-C02 industrial production competitive on both internal and global markets.

This will ensure that low- C02 production, and the improved circularity of materials, is fostered. It will
also support innovation, jobs and growth – strengthening these bases and securing a bright future
for the EU’s economy and its citizens.

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Published: 25 September 2018


The European Steel Association (EUROFER)
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